Open Questions: A Goblin Admits Her Inadequacies

goblin woman wearing glasses sitting at desk in study with pen/inkwell and open book, surrounded by books, paper, and candles

Have I ever heard the words of God? The God, any god? If I have, I confess that I couldn’t recognize the voice of God within my mind, and if anyone has ever divulged such words to me from their own received revelation, the divine inspiration of their word escapes me. And like so many others, I have never heard the spoken voice of God in my ear. Perhaps you can identify.

Clobberin’ Time – Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 – Dark Chocolate Book

Today’s Chocolate: Alter Eco Classic Blackout Today’s Passage: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 I took a mental health hiatus from my Bible study blog, Chocolate Book, in October of 2018. I’d been making my way through Exodus, and once or twice I’ve tried to resume where I left off, but couldn’t write the post. So, instead, today we’re hopping … Read more