Open Questions: A Goblin Admits Her Inadequacies

goblin woman wearing glasses sitting at desk in study with pen/inkwell and open book, surrounded by books, paper, and candles

Have I ever heard the words of God? The God, any god? If I have, I confess that I couldn’t recognize the voice of God within my mind, and if anyone has ever divulged such words to me from their own received revelation, the divine inspiration of their word escapes me. And like so many others, I have never heard the spoken voice of God in my ear. Perhaps you can identify.

Shalomstar Runner

Shabbat shalom, everybody. Let’s praise the name of the Lord and savor this day of rest with our favorite armless terrific athlete. Part of me wanted to make his text bubbles read “בווך אתה ה’ אווהינו מוך העוום” but honestly there’s enough inside baseball going on as it is, without my representing the Shalomstar Runner’s speech impediment via a less-than-widely-used script.

You know I enjoy silly cartooning, but in all seriousness, enjoying the weekly Shabbat services at Wise Temple is a highlight of my week, and I would like to wish you a peaceful Shabbat as the weekend begins.

El Origen de los Elfos

La niña le preguntó a la abuela: << ¿Cómo llegaron a ser los elfos? ¿Quienes eran los primeros? >>. Y respondió la abuela: Cuando nuestro mundo era joven, y Golarion sólo tenía cespedes y animales simples, no había ningún ser enalmado en la superficie de la tierra. La diosa Alseta le pidió al Rey Sobre … Read more

Shirts from a Person: God Loves Trans People and Never Punch Down

I didn’t make the shirt designs below with Pride Month in mind. In fact, I created the God Loves Trans People design back in like February. But Pride Month is almost over, and these two shirt designs both relate to cutting oft-marginalized minority groups some respect as human beings, so I wanted to share said … Read more