Today’s Chocolate: Alter Eco Classic Blackout
Today’s Passage: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13
I took a mental health hiatus from my Bible study blog, Chocolate Book, in October of 2018. I’d been making my way through Exodus, and once or twice I’ve tried to resume where I left off, but couldn’t write the post. So, instead, today we’re hopping ahead to a couple of infamous verses from Leviticus. It’s clobberin’ time.
Read more: Clobberin’ Time – Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 – Dark Chocolate BookIn response to the these verses, let me be clear: no man deserves to die for having sex with a male. And if your god wants you to put any man to death for having sex with a male, then I strongly encourage you to reexamine your god. Welcome to Dark Chocolate Book, thank you for reading.